Serious illnesses may be excluded from personal accident insurance, but there are other insurance options that can keep you and your family safe from these illnesses.
Our health is paramount. In addition to being reminded every time we remember or when we have the flu and go to bed for a week, our integrity and physical health can impact our lives and that of our families. Therefore, staying healthy and making the most of our abilities will allow us to develop a full and satisfactory work and personal life.
But nothing is 100% certain and everyone knows that regardless of our age and physical condition, our health risks are a fact. In the event of an external and accidental accident that causes an injury, you can count on the help of the personal accident insurance that we told you about a few days ago. However, what happens when a serious illness strikes? Is it possible to prevent this possibility? And protect the economy and the solvency of households, do they have the resources to recover?
Critical Illness Insurance: A Peaceful Future
In the event of the absence of one of the members, the insurance department has several options to insure the family assets, through economic compensation and in the terms of the policy. In this way, life insurance provides compensation for the death of the insured and also offers the possibility of doing so in the event of temporary or permanent disability, as well as partial or absolute disability. However, when you consider the possibility of facing a serious illness, there are also insurance options that can protect you and fight by your side, delaying it as long as possible, or even avoiding a fatal outcome. This is critical illness insurance.
At MetLife, or Future Peaceful, there are a variety of options that allow you to be covered from the moment you receive your diagnosis. By allowing yourself to do this, you can focus on recovery and avoid other issues, such as the cost of treatment and how to take it. In addition, related services include the design of specific and individualized assistance programs, as well as family and psychological assistance: other supports to help you through difficult times. On the other hand, they allow access to a range of related services as well as different alternative treatments such as Reiki, Homeopathy, Acupuncture or Reflexology,
In some types of insurance, you can choose different variants depending on the coverage. Taking MetLife’s critical illness insurance as an example, the simplest option already covers the three serious diseases that cause the most deaths on the entire European continent: cancer, myocardial infarction and stroke (for example, myocardial infarction, thrombosis and accident). cerebrovascular). But it is also possible to obtain a more complete product that also includes paying the insurance money when a coronary disease is diagnosed, such as performing peripherals or angioplasty.