Steps to purchase your life insurance with MetLife

Purchasing life insurance through MetLife is a very simple process, and you can always rely on the help of our experts to guide you in creating a life insurance policy that’s right for you. Our goal is to make your life easier. That is why we provide you with easy-to-understand solutions and continuously monitor each step you must take when purchasing life insurance.

Choose your life insurance based on your needs

Your life insurance should be tailored to your life and needs. For this reason, when choosing life insurance, do not only look at the special prices, but also take into account the purpose of the policy and the coverage it includes, so that everything you think is important is fully covered.

o Your life insurance should protect everything that is important to you. It can be the quality of life of your family, the education of your children, the payment of a mortgage or other credit, the future of your business project… you decide. As experts in life and accident insurance, we have millions of customers around the world who help us understand their current and future needs and provide the best protection plan to meet their needs, so we can help you, without obligation.

We help you obtain all the information you need to choose the best protection for you and your person. We help you choose the best life insurance for you.

Calculate the capital to insure

One of the most important (and complex) decisions when taking out life insurance is determining the capital to be insured, that is, the capital that the beneficiary will receive in the event of losing it. This financing should be enough for your future needs and possible financial problems. However, you should keep in mind that the higher the money insured, the higher the premium (price) will be, so you have to find a balance that allows you to keep the peace in your city without paying too much.

At MetLife we ​​help you calculate the capital for life insurance. We help you decide which funds to keep by asking you a few simple questions that will help you identify your current situation and forecast your future needs: What are your fixed monthly household expenses and how much would you need if you didn’t pay? them a long time, ETC.

MyMetLife Customer Area

Once you have taken out life insurance, you will have access to MyMetLife, our exclusive area for clients, which you can access anytime and anywhere to see all the information related to your signed policy, as well as your contact, address or even your bank account, without long paperwork or phone calls.

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